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St. James

13. St. James - Snow Hill


403 Harper Street

Snow Hill, NC 28580

MAIL: PO Box 653

Church (252) 747-5025

Sunday school 9:30 am

Worship 11:00 am

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm

Rev. William McDow

St. James A.M.E. Zion Church

403 West Harper Street

Snow Hill, NC         


 Service:  Sunday School……….…2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sunday @ 9:30 AM

Worship Services..1st Sunday @ 10:00 AM,,  2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday@ 11:00 AM                                 

Movie Night first Wednesday evening of the month at 6:00 


We the members of St. James A.M.E. Zion Church, Snow Hill, NC are committed to maintain a Christian environment through prayer, service, bible study and the power of the Holy Spirit. We strive for the removal of any circumstances or environment that would not allow us to be obedient to The Will of God.  We adhere to the directions prescribed in the Holy Scripture and the Discipline of the A.M.E. Zion Church. Our models for leadership are found in these two directives for life. Our desire is to spread the message as the master (Jesus Christ) taught.  We hope to eliminate discriminatory practice in the community and the church. We also strive to create a just atmosphere for the members of the local church bad the community as a while WE DO STAND IN THIS COMMUNITY AS A VEHICLE OF THE FREEDOM CHURCH.



History of the Church

The first name of St. James A.M.E. Zion Church was Snow Hill Zion Church (named in 1867).  Miss Rachael A. Wright of New Bern, N.C., organized the first  Sunday school in Snow Hill in 1873. With many youth and no other church in this little town, a place was secured and called Keys Temple Zion Church. This occurred around 1875.  It is assumed the Keys Temple started from a prayer meeting with Richard Edwards and his wife, Upon growth of this work, Reverend Simmons, the pastor and his wife helped to organize the church. 

In 1880, R.D. Beamon, register of deeds of Greene County  made a deed to Jacob Best-Chairman,  This deed was recorded as A.M.E. Zion Church.  Sidney Busbee and family were paid $40.00 for the land.  On May 3, 1882 the land was paid  in full.  This information can be found in book 8, page 186.

On  January 19, 1900, the small sized church was built about midway toward the cemetery.  The pulpit was large enough for about six ministers, the choir was on the left, and Amen corner was on the right.  On March 16, 1902 the name was changed from Keys Temple to St. James A.M.E. Zion Church and was dedicated in 1908.  The church was renovated in 1979. The next renovation project began in 1994 Our Renovations include  the enclosure of the  pastor’s office on the left , a finance office on the right , each pew and altar chairs padded,  added a storage building outside, acquired extra property, had a new roof put on, repainted the fellowship hall. Installed new windows and put in new air conditional units to the church. New visions for our church are to enlarge the fellowship hall, along with a larger paved parking lot. and other improvements to come.


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